2015, Number 3
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2015; 23 (3)
Analysis of the factors related to the presence of adverse events in Pediatric Intensive Care Units
Hernández-Cantoral A, Hernández-Zavala M, Barrientos-Sánchez J, Zárate-Grajales RA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 110-117
PDF size: 215.25 Kb.
Introduction: the presence of an adverse event during the process of hospitalization increases morbidity and mortality, longer hospital stay times, costs and deterioration of the quality of care arise.
Objective: to know the frequency of occurrence of the adverse event in pediatric intensive care to identify the intrinsic, extrinsic factors and areas of the system in a public tertiary care hospital.
Material and methods: descriptive, transversal and observational study, for a year from 2013 to 2014, we used an information notice of adverse event taken and adapted from the project of incidents and adverse events in intensive medicine, safety and risk of the sick critic (SYREC 2007).
Results: in total were 105 adverse event, 71% in unit therapy intensive Pediatric, 18% in neonatal intensive care unit and 11% at the unit of cardiovascular intensive care, 62% of the patients presented during their hospitalization an adverse event, 30% presented two adverse event and 8% more than three. More common in males in 50.5% and 22% cardiovascular alterations. 30% of the adverse event occurred within the first 48 hours entering the unit.
Conclusions: know this type of accidents allows to implement strategies to decrease or control the possible causes. For nursing professional it is important to identify these triggers to participate actively in the programs of safety and quality of care.
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