2016, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2016; 35 (1)
Effect of combining nutrient bases and inhibitor on recovery of Salmonella
López RY, Zhurbenko R, Rodríguez MC
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 24-35
PDF size: 159.95 Kb.
Introduction: Salmonella are the most common causes of food-borne disease
worldwide. Selenite cystine broth is a selective enrichment medium used for the
recovery of
Salmonella species in samples of food, water, feces and other materials
of clinical importance.
Objective: Evaluate the combination of nutrition bases obtained by original
methods and sodium selenite to ensure appropriate recovery of
Salmonella species
in selenite cystine broth.
Methods: A comparative study was conducted with various nutrition bases to
evaluate the fostering of bacterial growth in six strains of
Salmonella and
Shigella. Two variants were prepared and the microorganisms selected were inoculated at an approximate concentration of 3 × 10
8 colony-forming units per milliliter.
Absorbance was measured with a 640 nanometer spectrophotometer every hour to
determine biomass increase. Behavior of the selenite cystine broth medium
formulated by ingredients was compared with that of Merck cystine selenite broth in
the presence of the microorganisms of interest. Determination was performed of
the productivity and selectivity of the culture medium.
Results: The variant containing the mixture of nutrient bases (bacteriological
peptone Z, soybean peptone and casein enzymatic hydrolysate) facilitated better
recovery of the strains tested, with significant differences (p ‹ 0.05) with respect to
the variant containing casein enzymatic hydrolysate alone. The experimental
medium containing the mixture of nutrient bases and sodium selenite displayed
Salmonella recovery at low concentrations in a manner similar to the reference
medium and inhibited
Escherichia coli more efficiently at low concentrations. At
high concentrations neither medium was able to inhibit the growth of
E. coli.
Productivity was satisfactory in both media, ranging between 0.1 and 1, and so was
selectivity, which reached an approximate value of 3.
Conclusions: The combination of original nutrition bases and sodium selenite
allowed appropriate recovery of
Salmonella species.
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