2016, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2016; 27 (2)
Heart failure and diabetes mellitus found in hospitalized patients in “Comandante Manuel Fajardo” university hospital
Licea PME, Garabito BAM
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 134-148
PDF size: 227.13 Kb.
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is associated to higher incidence and prevalence of
heart failure.
Objective: To determine the frequency of diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia in
hospitalized patients with heart failure, and its possible association with the
Methods: Correlational, cross-sectional and descriptive study which revised 510
medical histories of hospitalized patients for heart failure at “Comandante Manuel
Fajardo” university hospital from 2009 to 2013. The study groups were 1) no
history of known diabetes mellitus and all normal glycemic values during
hospitalization; 2) previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and 3) no history of type
2 diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia at some moment of their hospitalization, with no
history of detected diabetes mellitus, and with all normal glycemia values during
hospitalization. The studied variables were age, sex, body mass index, alcohol
consumption, causes of heart failure, blood pressure and pulsating pressure,
coronary disease, personal history, complications of heart failure, length of stay at
hospital, evolution, cause of death, glycemia average during hospitalization, antihyperglycemic
therapy and treatment of heart failure.
Results: Fifty nine percent of patients presented with hyperglycemia, 35% had
diabetes and 24% had not. Females and ages over 74 years predominated. The
main cause of heart failure was ischemic cardiopathy, more significant in diabetics
(p= 0.005). The main complications were bronchopneumonia and arrhythmias. The
conventional insulin was used by 73.33% of patients and the intensive one by
26.67%. Mortality rate was low. The possibility of dying was two times higher in
diabetics than in normoglycemic patients (OR= 2.01; CI 95 % 1.07-3.77; p= 0.03).
Conclusions: Hyperglycemia is frequent in hospitalized patients for heart failure; it
is associated to feminine sex, to ages older than 74 years, and complications. The
diabetic patients had double risk of dying if compared with patients with normal
glycemia values.
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