2016, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2016; 27 (1)
Sexual desire in older men and its association with serum testosterone and other factors
Monteagudo PG, López RY, Ledón LL, Gómez AM, Ovies CG, Álvarez SE, Robles TE
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 29-44
PDF size: 185.30 Kb.
Introduction: sexual desire decreases with aging but the real scope of these
changes and the factors unleashing them are still a topic under debate.
Objective: to describe the characteristics of the sexual desire in older men from
Plaza de la Revolution municipality and their association with serum testosterone
and other variables.
Methods: population-based descriptive and cross-sectional study which involved
510 men aged 60 years and older, who did not present either physical/cognitive
handicaps or conditions leading to hipogonadism. They had been selected from the
residents of Plaza de la Revolucion municipality in Havana through a complex
multistage stratified sampling. They answered a self-administered anonymous
questionnaire; their questioning and physical exam data were then collected and
the total serum testosterone was determined. Several sexual desire aspects
together with the possible influential factors were evaluated; the summary statistics
in addition to
Chi-square, Kruskall-Wallis's and multiple logistic regression tests
were all analyzed. Moreover, ethical aspects were respected.
Results: the age of the participants ranged 60 to 93 years (median of 70). In this
group, 82.41 % pointed out that their sexual desire had changed in comparison
with earlier ages and from this percentage, 79.16 % said their desire decreased,
11.66 % stated it had disappeared whereas in 9.18 % it had increased. The
answers showed that the degree of sexual desire was medium in 55.02 % of
participants, 44.53 % often felt it whereas 4.25 % never had it. In the study group,
71.22 % were satisfied or fairly satisfied with their degree of sexual desire. There
was no association between the serum testosterone and the changes in the current
degree and frequency of sexual desire (p › 0.05). The decrease in sexual desire
showed significant positive association with the age older than 80 years, less
sensation of wellbeing and lower consumption of drugs; however, it was negatively
associated to the attitude towards sexuality (p ‹ 0.05). Schooling, occupation,
religious beliefs, marital status, length of time of a couple relationship, chronic
diseases, toxic habits, physical exercising, socialization, psychological condition,
sexual education, importance attached to sexuality or to privacy were not
significantly associated with decrease of sexual desire.
Conclusions: sexual desire changes with the age, particularly towards decrease,
but the majority of older men are satisfied or fairly satisfied with it; they often feel
it with medium degree. The decreased sexual desire in the studied subjects does
not depend on the serum testosterone but it does on other biological, psychological
and social factors.
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