2016, Number 2
Parafunctions text in Braille system for blind and poor vision patients
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 188-197
PDF size: 508.44 Kb.
Background: people who have visual problems are not exempted from presenting parafunctional alterations and there are not informative proposals in Braille system that deal with the topic.Objective: to assess the utility of a parafunction text in Braille system for blind and poor vision patients.
Methods: a quasi-experimental review was conducted from January 2014 and January 2015, by specialists from the Occlusion consultation in the provincial dental clinic Ismael Clark y Mascaró. The universe was composed of 1 766 blind and poor vision people. Non probabilistic sample consisted of 476 patients, according to criteria of inclusion. The research was organized into five stages: coordination, search-selection, approval, intervention and evaluation.
Results: before showing the Braille text to blind and poor vision patients, the unsatisfactory level of information was 83, 19 %. After being shown satisfactory level prevailed in 98, 94 %. The concept of parafunctions was the first aspect to include in the text according to 100 % of experts. The teaching staff who was satisfied accounted for 97, 14 %. The utility of the text was demonstrated in 97, 68 % of the patients. The text was considered useful according to 97 % of these people.
Conclusions: conceptualization of parafunctions was the first aspect reconciled by all experts. It was agreed the acceptance of the text in Braille system by the majority of teachers dedicated to the teaching of blind and poor vision patients. Great part of the patients with visual handicap found the text useful.
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