2016, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (2)
The perception of ethics from the point of view of medical students
García-Mangas JA, García-Vigil JL, Lifshitz A
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 230-241
PDF size: 364.82 Kb.
Background: The present study was conducted to characterize
the ethical environment in which medical students and internal are
trained. The aim of this article is to identify the perception of ethics
in medical students.
Methods: The instrument was constructed by pairs: the socially
desirable and socially undesirable exploring 10 principles and 24
ethical values. Through rounds of experts the instrument was validated
with 35 pairs with 70 statements. The internal consistency of
the instrument with the coefficient of determination “r
2” reached a
p” value of
‹ 0.025.
Results: In the overall analysis to compare means, students gave
higher scores than interns with “
p” value of
‹ 0.002. A comparison
of the principal differences was found in seven of the ten principles
explored and in three (freedom, honesty and solidarity) no differences
were noted in the rate of perception of the ethics (RPE).
The were statistically significant differences between groups with
a “
p” value of
‹ 0.04 in which students perceive higher scores with
Conclusions: We conclude that learning environments are not
prone to ethical reflection and changes depending on the degree
in training in medical school, with a worse perception in greater
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