2015, Number 6
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Rev Invest Clin 2015; 67 (6)
Decades of Experience in the Diagnosis of Dengue Fever in the Northwest of Mexico
Moreno-Legorreta M, Díaz-Castro S, Ortega-Rubio A, Tovar-Zamora I, Serrano-Pinto V
Language: English
References: 29
Page: 372-378
PDF size: 80.59 Kb.
Background: The State of Baja California Sur is in an arid region of Mexico, the southern half of the Baja California Peninsula.
Given its aridity and physical isolation from mainland Mexico, there were no records of dengue fever in the state before 1985.
Until now, no data on dengue incidence had been published.
Objective: To study some epidemiological features of dengue fever
in Baja California Sur, Mexico in the last 30 years.
Methods: Total number of cases, general population, sex, age groups, serotypes,
mortality, and incidence data were analyzed.
Results: There was a 652% increase in reported cases from 2012 through 2014.
Age groups mostly affected were adults aged 15-24 and 45-64 years old.
Conclusions: This study makes a thorough analysis
of the incidence of dengue and makes recommendations to face the epidemiological challenge.
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