2016, Number 1
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Rev Hum Med 2016; 16 (1)
The protocol as Social Technology for treating patients with ophthalmopathies caused by HIV/AIDS
Vejerano DAÁ, Iraola VN
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 144-160
PDF size: 127.95 Kb.
A qualitative investigation was carried out during November 2013 to November 2015 with
the objective of developing a protocol as social technology for the promotion and
prevention of ophthalmologic manifestations in patients with HIV/AIDS. Theoretical and
empirical methods that allowed knowing the antecedents of the problem under
investigation, to carry out actions and to characterize the studied phenomenon, were used.
The protocol constitutes a social technology, because it is composed by norms and
procedures for the conduction of a social process that is not related with the productive
area. The design of this social technology favors an adequate diagnosis, treatment and
follow-up of eye conditions in patients with HIV/ AIDS, based on the theory of knowledge.
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