2016, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2016; 37 (2)
Qualitative systematic review of the use of questionnaires for the diagnosis of GERD in pediatric
Hernández-Pliego RR, Asbun-Bojalil J, Anguiano-Robledo L
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 102-110
PDF size: 747.59 Kb.
Background/Aims: The use of questionnaires to identify GERD
symptoms in pediatric population is limited especially in young
children and infants where it is impossible to objectively assess the
symptomatology due saying helplessness. The aim of this study was to
conduct a systematic review of the literature in pediatric patients with
suspected GERD, to evaluate questionnaires usage as diagnostic tool
for this disease.
Material and Method: A comprehensive literature search in
various databases was performed. Two expert researchers on the topic
conducted the studies selection. The search strategy consisted of key
words: Gastroesophageal Reflux disease, IGERQ, infant, child, children,
and questionnaire. The studies quality was assessed using the
Newcastle-Ottawa scale.
Results: Following the searching strategy, there were selected three
studies, which used different questionnaires in different populations,
Kleinman 2006 evaluated 185 patients younger than 18 months with
the IGER-Q, test reliability was evaluated yielding 0.86 to 0.87, Deal
2005, 64 patients evaluated aged 1-11 months and 1-4 years and 63
patients reporting 90 and 85% sensitivity per age group respectively
and 83 and 81.5% specificity respectively, and Stordal 2005 evaluated
99 patients aged 7-16 with 75% sensitivity and 96%specificity.
Conclusions: the use of questionnaires as diagnostic tool for GERD
in pediatric patients is limited and available clinical evidence is not
enough to make a proper recommendation.
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