2016, Number 2
Pedagogic preparation and scientific production of the professors who teach Public Health in Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 94-106
PDF size: 124.20 Kb.
Background: the pedagogic preparation and scientific production is essential for the quality of the teaching-learning process.Objective: to characterize the pedagogic preparation and scientific production of the professors of the Public Health subject in Villa Clara.
Methods: It was carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study in the University of Medical Sciences in January 2014; theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and inductivedeductive, for the study on the topic, and the methodological conformation of the investigation; empiric ones: the analysis of documents, including the working agreements and individual files and an updated characterization of the professors of the department; and mathematics: for the absolute and relative values.
Results: it was detected that the teaching pyramid of the teaching staff is mostly conformed by professors with the teaching rank of Assistant professor, the average work experience was 17, 4 years; most of them have received the Basic Course of Pedagogy and some of them have obtained a diploma in Medical Education; none has carried out a master´s course related with this science. Very few of them have carried out scientific investigations in the pedagogic field, and those related to other fields of the medical sciences are predominant.
Conclusions: there is an insufficient pedagogic preparation and scientific production of the professors who teach Public Health in Villa Clara, as well as their participation in the planned pedagogic upgrading courses, the investigations carried out in this field are few and none of them have carried out a master´s course of this type.
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