2016, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2016; 42 (2)
Demand for infant-juvenile gynecology service in the primary health care from 1996 to 2011
González AAG, Quintana LL
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 213-223
PDF size: 232.31 Kb.
Introduction: Infant-juvenile gynecology is aimed at promoting sexual and reproductive health in girls and adolescents in which the primary health care plays
a key role.
Objective: To characterize the demand for infant-juvenile gynecology services in a
municipal primary health area
Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study conducted in Plaza of the Revolution
municipality from July 1996 to December 2011. The sample was 3 091 patients who
made up the universe of cases attended to at the service. Reason for consultation,
support, and origin from the review of the medical history of the service individually
were analyzed based on the checking of the individual medical history. Information
was processed through frequency mean and range analysis.
Results: In the studied period, 605 girls (19.6 %) and 2 486 adolescents (80.4 %)
went to the gynecological service. The main reason for consultation in girls was low
genital urinary sepsis, accounting for 338 cases (77.9 %) and associated to
inappropriate hygienic conditions. The teenagers went to the service more
frequently to receive contraceptive counseling, amounting to 325 (23.1 %); this
occurred just after having their first sexual intercourse followed by lower
genitourinary infection and menstrual disorders.
Conclusions: The demand for infant-gynecological service is characterized by
growing trends in which adolescents prevail over pediatric patients. Adolescents
increasingly demand this service in terms of sexual behavior counseling. Systematic
care provided in these services would contribute to improve sexual and
reproductive health of the infant and adolescent populations.
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