2016, Number 2
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Otorrinolaringología 2016; 61 (2)
Transcranial and extracranial doppler ultrasonography of head and neck related to otoneurologic tests in patients with vertigo
Said J, Izita A
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 131-138
PDF size: 424.29 Kb.
Background: The left ventricle is a pump which applies pressure
to the circuit on an intermittent way (with each systolic ejection) and
sets a pattern of pulsate flow. In systole (maximum systolic speed, MSS),
the elastic arterial wall is strained (capacitance) to store certain volume
of blood, which will be returned to the circulation during the diastole
(final diastolic speed, FDS), when the artery returns to its recess caliper
(kinetic energy). The supraorbitary flow is the result of the hydrodynamic
compensation between the internal and external carotid system. The
vertebral arteries together with the internal carotids are in charge of the
irrigation of the cerebral trunk, which is the place of settlement of the
centers of coordination of the balance.
Objective: To research the circulatory hydrodynamics through the
USD’s technology in the patient suffering from vertigo, in order to determine
and orientate the vascular etiology of the ailment.
Material and Method: A study was made selecting 100 patients,
58 women with mean age of 48.7 years and 42 males with mean age
of 50.6 years old, from January 1996 to December 2014, with vertigo
or dizziness and vascular history. Circulatory hydrodinamic was studied
by means of two methods: transcranial and extracranial ultrasonography
doppler of internal and external carotid arteries, right and left supratroclear,
right and left vertebral, right and left anterior cerebral and by
means of brachial mean pressure.
Results: The most frequent symptom was vertigo (91%), followed
by vertebrobasilar failure (60%) and headache (53%), neurovegetative
symptoms (nauseas and vomiting, etc., 46%), right hearing loss
(40%), left hearing loss (32%), right tinnitus (31%), left tinnitus (32%)
and migraine (17%). Among pathological personal previous data there
were reported: vertebrobasilar failure (60%), high blood pressure (24%)
hypotension (17%), arteriosclerosis (6%) and cranioencephalic trauma,
with or without consciousness loss, in 5% of cases.
Conclusions: Transcranial and extracranial doppler ultrasonography
of head and neck is an easy, quick and safe quantitative and qualitative
method for evaluating the existance of vascular diseases related
to vertigo.
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