2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2016; 15 (2)
Some aspects related with Ethic in the Clinical Laboratory
Hernández CM, Boudet HG, López GDM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 73-81
PDF size: 383.62 Kb.
In the XXI century with the scientific-technique revolution, we met a very complex situation that is important to solve in an interdisciplinary way to promote the rational use of the laboratory. On the other hand, the Panamerican Health Organization in a close relation which other organizations established a series of the recommendations which included an ethic component for health laboratories:
The Code of Ethic that expresses the policy of organization binding the patients´ necessities with the goals of the laboratory and establishing its ethic and moral conditions; in this way it represents a commitment with de values of organization and marks a point of view for the behavior of its members. Some aspects related with de informed consent were reviewed, one of the central concepts of medical ethic which has special characteristic in the diagnosis means.
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