2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2015; 31 (4)
Program for family planning and reproductive risk gender sensitive
Martínez BY, Díaz BZ
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 308-316
PDF size: 74.93 Kb.
Introduction: the low male attendance to family planning consultation is recognized in the scientific literature as a problem which precludes, inter alia, equal access to that service, it makes the distribution and management of resources according to needs of female and maleassistance. Men are at a disadvantage with respect to women regarding: provision of family planning services aimed at them as a target population benefits of actions or strategies of sexual and reproductive health reflected in plans, programs and policies on health and this is, in terms of reproductive rights, a
limitation on the time of guaranteeing to every person without distinction.
Objective: Identify care needs on sexual and reproductive health of men in the Program for Family Planning and Reproductive Risk.
Method: A qualitative analysis was made on thematic content of theProgram for Family Planning and Reproductive Risk by which family planning services are guided in Cuba.
Results: Program for Family Planning and Reproductive Risk lacks concrete proposals
for identifying and meeting the needs of men, which affects the low male participation in family planning service.
Conclusions: Family Planning Program and reproductive risk only responds to a sole
need for male assistance: the lack of guidance and sex education for men.
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