2015, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2015; 16 (3)
Executive function, theory of mind and decision making in patients with paranoid schizophrenia stabilized from Peru
Zegarra-Valdivia JA
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 13-26
PDF size: 166.82 Kb.
Introduction: The neuropsychological
perspective is one of the most influential practices
for the study of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.
The development of neuropsychological profiles
are especially useful for studying the pathogenesis
and rehabilitation of the illness.
Objective: The aim of this study was to
evaluate and analyze the performance of
subjects with paranoid schizophrenia in several
neuropsychological tasks such as executive
functioning, theory of mind and decision-making.
Methods: In all, 15 stabilized adults with
paranoid schizophrenia (age 34.73 ± 9.32 years),
diagnosed with DSM-IV-TR criteria, with a mean
of 15.00 ± 9.39 years of disease length compared
to 25 healthy adults (age 33.15 ± 11.01 years).
The patients were evaluated with the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test, verbal fluency tasks; forward
and reverse tasks digit sequence and numbersand-
letters of the WAIS-III, Trail Making Test form
A and B; and the test of mind reading through the
eyes and the IOWA gambling task.
Results: In executive functioning, they showed
statistically significant differences for the tasks
evaluated, particularly for WCST1 (p‹0.000), the
theory of mind (p‹0.001), and the Iowa gambling
task (p‹0.001). We found highly significant
differences between the domains assessed.
Conclusion: Many differences were observed
about their functioning and neuropsychological
profile in the domains evaluated between patients
and healthy controls. In the group of patients we
found failures in these cognitive processes that are
of special interest in clinical practice to address its
pathogenesis and cognitive rehabilitation.
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