2015, Number 2
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2015; 16 (2)
The multiple partner choice arena: An innovative model for studying rapid ejaculation in rats
Olayo-Lortia J, Ferreira-Nuño A, Morales-Otal A
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 16-26
PDF size: 217.00 Kb.
Introduction: Premature ejaculation in humans
is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions
of global population. The knowledge of the
neurobiology of this dysfunction through animal
models is important because these models can
propose better therapeutic options to treat this
dysfunction. Our research group has developed
an innovative model, the Multiple Parther Choice
Arena, which have shown that male rats ejaculate
faster so that this model could be useful in evaluating
different drugs.
Objectives: To evaluate the response of our model
to the drug currently used in the clinic, dapoxetine,
at dose is indicated as a treatment for premature
ejaculation in humans.
Methods: Two male sexual behavior tests were
performed in the multiple partner choice arena
(MPCA) to two groups of rats were treated with
vehicle and 30 mg / kg of dapoxetine respectively.
Results: The males rats treated with dapoxetine,
significantly increased the number of mounts and
number of intrusions that require to ejaculate as well
as increased intromission latency and intromission
and ejaculation latency in the MPCA.
Conclusion: Males who are treated with
dapoxetine at ASMP stop behaving such as rapid
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