2016, Number 2
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Rev Odont Mex 2016; 20 (2)
Solitary mandibular bone cyst. Case report and literature review
Wong-Romo G, Carrillo-Terán E, Ángeles-Varela E
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 114-122
PDF size: 373.37 Kb.
Solitary bone cyst of the mandible is an intra-osseous cavity lacking epithelial lining considered a pseudocyst. Due to its uncertain etiology and pathogenesis, it has received several names such as traumatic bone cyst or idiopathic bone cyst. From a clinical perspective, it is oftentimes an asymptomatic lesion, with festooned borders when located between dental roots. It is an empty cavity but might contain blood, serous or serous-hematic fluid and can be perceived in routine X-ray examinations. The present article describes the case of a solitary bone cyst located in the body of the mandible of a 17-year old female patient. Afflicted with Fallot’s tetralogy. Clinical, diagnostic and radiologic aspects as well as treatment are described.
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