2016, Number 2
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Rev Odont Mex 2016; 20 (2)
Corticotomy: historical perspective
Olguín VP, Yáñez OBR
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 82-92
PDF size: 814.57 Kb.
Introduction: An exposition is presented of different techniques and philosophies provided through time for corticotomy procedures from its origin or first listing in 1892 to the present or last modification in 2012.
Method: Bibliographic search was undertaken on the subject of corticotomy in order to document modifications experienced by their surgical technique and offer evidence which might allow to make decisions based on scientific evidence.
Results: Presentation of a series of tables where all techniques are recorded, including authors and years of description or proposal.
Conclusions: Mechanism behind corticotomy procedures can be summarized as the induction of bone metabolism through decortication executed around teeth that are going to be moved to increase bone replacement, this improves and accelerates orthodontic tooth movement.
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Wilcko MT, Wilcko WM, Pulver JJ, Bissada NF, Bouquot JE. Accelerated osteogenic orthodontics technique: a 1-stage surgically facilitated rapid orthodontic technique with alveolar augmentation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 67 (10): 2149-2159.
Stöber E, Genestra-Villalonga P, Molina-Coral A, Puigdollers-Pérez A. La corticotomía alveolar selectiva como coadyuvante al tratamiento de ortodoncia. Rev Esp Ortod. 2010; 40 (4): 215-230.
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[Consultado septiembre de 2013] Disponible en: http://www.google.com.mx/search?q=corticotomia&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=l5zCUeS8CoebygGb34GwDA&sqi=2&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=643
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Hassan AH, Al-Fraidi AA, Al-Saeed SH. Corticotomy-assisted orthodontic treatment: review. Open Dent J. 2010; 4: 159-164.
Germeç D, Giray B, Kocadereli I, Enacar A. Lower incisor retraction with a modified corticotomy. Angle Orthod. 2006; 76 (5): 882-890.
Reyes-Obeso A, Enríquez-Habib F, Marín-González MG. Corticotomía: microcirugía ortodóntica en paciente con periodonto reducido: caso clínico. Rev Odont Mex. 2012; 16 (4): 272-278.
Oliveira DD, de Oliveira BF, de Araújo-Brito HH, de Souza MM, Medeiros PJ. Selective alveolar corticotomy to intrude overerupted molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008; 133 (6): 902-908.