2016, Number 1
Risk factors in the lung cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 42-55
PDF size: 92.75 Kb.
Introduction: the lung cancer is the most frequent malignant neoplasm and the cause of third of all deaths caused by the cancer, with a high increase of incidence in these last years.Objective: to determine the risk factors associated to lung cancer.
Method: a cases and control study in Lucía Iñiguez Landín hospital from July 2011 to January 2013. The universe comprised 118 patients who were admitted in the medical–ward and presented one or some risks factors for this illness, 59 of these patients with diagnosis not related to lung cancer were selected as the control group and the case group was composed of 59 patients that were admitted with this diagnosis.
Results: the male sex predominated in the case group the representing 83.1%. The smokers represented 71.2% of the cases group. The smoking and pulmonary obstructive chronic disease was the most important risk factors found with OR of 3.8 and 2.4 respectively. The cancerous substances exposure and the alcoholism did not show significant differences.
Conclusion: the male sex was the most affected. The smokers had 3.8 more times of highest risk for lung cancer comparing with no smokers and those patients with obstructive pulmonary disease had 2.49 times of high probability for developing cancer.
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