2016, Number 2
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Rev Odont Mex 2016; 20 (2)
Voyage from fiction to reality: organs-on-chips in the Service of Science and Medicine
Macías SM
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 74-76
PDF size: 193.26 Kb.
Text Extraction
Organs-on-chips are micrometrical-scale manufactured devices. They have been described as biomimetic systems purporting the main function of achieving preservation of the functional unit of a living organ in a tri-dimensional structure (3D). Thus, biology-inspired technology has led to the fabrication of the devices which consist in micro-luidic 3D minute channels, manufactured with a clear polymeric material lined with cells. These devices seek to replicate important aspects of an organ, such as 3 D microarchitecture which takes place due to distribution in space of different tissues, functional inter-faces between tissue-tissue and organs’ mechanical and biochemical complex microenvironments. Thus, these devices known as organs-on-chips recapitulate the complexity of live organs with respect to their architecture, microenvironment and physiology.
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