2016, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2016; 27 (2)
Record, information and knowledge management and organizational intelligence: distinguishing features and convergence in strategic decision making
Rodríguez CY, Castellanos CA, Ramírez PZ
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 206-244
PDF size: 697.84 Kb.
The study is aimed at identifying the information systems, elements and processes related to record, information and knowledge management and organizational intelligence which influence strategic decision making at information institutions. Document analysis was used to examine the particular characteristics and components of each of these management processes, as well as their influence on the top levels of organizational decision making at information institutions. A descriptive analysis was performed to clarify and accurately determine the information systems, resources and processes involved in strategic decision making at libraries, archives and information centers of broad recognition in the sector of information sciences in Cuba. Archival documents, internal and external organizational information, and knowledge are key resources in strategic decision making. Document management and organizational information systems stand out among the components associated to these management processes. The information and cognitive processes influencing decision making are the identification of information needs and information flows, the search for and selection of information, and the creation, analysis and use of organizational knowledge. Decision making has become heavily dependent on management processes related to information and knowledge, hence its informational nature. Therefore, these strategic resources should be appropriately projected and interrelated to ensure the effectiveness of decisions.
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