2015, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (S1)
The behavioral addictions: a storm to stalking
González MRÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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The growing global significance of behavioral addictions and their current relationship with technological advances and the need to contribute to the improvement of comprehensive care from the primary level, led us to reflect on the subject. Misuse of psychoactive substances represents one of the biggest current health problems on a global level and trend in postmodern society is to increase consumption and its consequences, a phenomenon that the explosive expansion of calls adds "other drugs" all while integrating an addictive category, which does not depend on its essence, the use of chemicals, but behavior also linked to hedonism, but for the most expressive part of new fashions, customs, media and recreations in a social context nuanced by ostentation, competitiveness and consumerism.
The specificities of these anomalous variations of behavior, whose early identification and comprehensive care, require knowledge, attitudes and clinical skills that go beyond conventional members non-specialized health team, justify the scientific disclosure of their relevant harmful potential and social significance their prevention, early diagnosis and appropriate referral.
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