2015, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (3)
Current considerations about the spectrum of the bipolar disease
Pedrosa PD, Torres LJL, González MO, Pedrosa OTL
Language: Spanish
References: 50
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Introduction: The importance of the bipolar disorder has been increasing due to a wider clinical concept of the disease known as “Bipolar Spectrum”. A high degree of disability occurred because of its chronic course, the precocious beginning and wrong diagnosis.
Objective: To emphasize since a current bibliographic review, the recent considerations related to the definition of the spectrum of the bipolar disease and the value of its early diagnose.
Methods: A review based on the specialized literature with current and relevant information without taking into consideration the year of publication. The search was done in searchers such as Intramed, Scielo, PubMed, Scholar Google, Cochrane and Medline with a selection of descriptors on Spanish, English and French.
Development: The scientific evidence on modern psychiatry has shown that the bipolar disorder is a burning pathology that demands a high interest on the investigation field due to its high degree of disability. The definition about the bipolar spectrum is theme of discussion by several authors. The definition is a category wider than the one describes in different glossaries and international classifications and which knowledge helps a secure treatment.
Conclusion: The spectrum of the bipolar disease is characterized by the chronic evolution, and an early start, it is a critical, prevailing and disabling disease that a mistaken diagnose delays the beginning of an adequate treatment.
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