2015, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (3)
Humanistic psychotherapy in the management of nursing
González MRÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 118.21 Kb.
The author emphasizes the relevant role of Nursery personal in the psychotherapeutic service due to the fact that they are the members with the longest continuance together with the patient in the intervention crisis units, in hospitals all the time as well as at the services of admission. He also comments about the high importance of this personal in the Communitarian Centre of Mental Health (CCSM), at the University Policlinic and the different care modalities for the integral care of addicted patients and their relatives.
He proposes as a psychotherapy modality the maximum use of the relation nurse- patient- relatives- community based on the search, expression and experience interchange and he emphasizes that the subjective, idealistic base of some of its modalities are compensated and overcome by the deep humanism derivative from the participation of the therapeutic nurse as the main participant viewerwhen he fulfills the three phases of the interpersonal relationships described by Don Pedro Laín Entralgo as an essence of the professional relationship in the health field. Because of this, he considers that the psychotherapy based on the relation is excellent for the Nursery personal as a variant of the existential humanistic trends in the psychotherapeutic help.
The paper gives a brief historical assessment of this school and takes into consideration its principles, mechanisms of action, methods and resources to use to promote or to recovery the creating adaptation to the environment which is limited by different diseases.
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