2016, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2016; 32 (1)
Family violence against women
Martínez LOR, Algozaín AY, Borges DL
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 156.67 Kb.
Introduction: Violence against the human being is a world-wide phenomenon, for
which women are the most vulnerable group, which affects their welfare, security,
education possibilities and personal achievement.
Objective: To characterize family violence against women in the doctor's office 3 of
Flores Betancourt Polyclinic, from June 2010 to June 2011.
Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Target group of 250 women who have
suffered from family violence. A questionnaire was applied to obtain the variables age,
job, school level, type of violence and aggressor family member. Absolute frequencies
distributions and percentages were used.
Results: The predominating figures were age set 25-34 years (32.00 %), housewives
(50.80 %), junior high school level (44.00 %), 100 % of the women were victim of
psychological violence, the 49.60 % of whom by their husbands.
Conclusions: The presence of violence against women is frequent, an act that
involves the rest of the family. Psychological violence as practiced by the husband is
more frequent. The women have no perception of the fact that they are mistreated.
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