2015, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (2)
Analysis of the issued scientific production between 2008 and 2013 related to suicide among girls, boys and adolescents through a biometric study
Buitrago LLH, Laverde BÁA, Álvarez RAM, Estupiñan VLC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 219.39 Kb.
Introduction: The suicide behavior on children and adolescents nowadays is a relevant problem
due that it is one of the 10 causes of death in the World Health Organization statistical.
Objective: To analyze the issued scientific production between 2008 and 2013 related to suicide
among girls, boys and adolescents through a biometric study of macro typology with three
categories of display analysis: scientific, collaboration, result and activity.
Material and Method: Document research of biometric type with a systemic analysis
methodological base of retrospective information type.
Results: Results were as follow: There were found on the descriptive analysis of data 57 articles
and from them 28 were selected (49%). Publications were higher on 2012 (25%). The 86% of
the articles are in English. Suicides were reported on both sex. The methodology used on the
sample of the 28 articles analyzed are of correlational type. A figure of 23 article were reviewed
with an inventory of individual risk factors related to the suicide behavior on boys, girls and
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