2016, Number S1
Methodology to implement the Herbal and Folk Medicine in the teaching of Chemistry
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 58-73
PDF size: 159.62 Kb.
Background: the instrumentation of the interdisciplinary approach implies a form of methodological work that requires to differ from those traditionally used, guided to achieve a meaningful learning in the students.Objective: to design a methodology for the implementation of the Herbal and Folk Medicine (HFM) in the contents of the Chemistry subject, in Health Technology.
Methods: it was carried out a development investigation from September 2012 to July 2013 in "Juan Manuel Páez Inchausti” Health Technology faculty of Santiago de Cuba. The study universe comprised all the students who received the Chemistry subject (215) and 12 professors with vast teaching experience, masters in Herbal and Folk Medicine and high teaching ranks. Theoretical, empiric and statistical methods were used which allowed to conform the proposed methodology.
Results: it was verified that there are some deficiencies to relate the contents between Herbal and Folk Medicine and Chemistry: most of the students refer that in the classes they only receive knowledge of the mentioned subject, deficiencies exist in the methodological preparation of the professors to integrate both sciences and lack of knowledge about the different modalities of (HFM); That is why a methodology was elaborated that allows the integration and consolidation of both contents in the teaching-learning process.
Conclusions: the implementation of the methodology was valued as pertinent by the specialists' criteria for its relevancy, accessibility and scientific and methodological treatment. It fulfills an appropriate structure according to the demands of the model of the technologist's formation and it revitalizes the Chemistry subject teaching-learning process.
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