2016, Number S1
The termination works of the master’s course in Herbal and Folk Medicine: a pertinent analysis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 46-57
PDF size: 142.93 Kb.
Background: in Cuba, the Herbal and Folk Medicine constitutes a curricular strategy for the formation of undergraduate health professionals, and assistance, researching work guidelines and of upgrading for the postgraduate professionals.Objective: to value the termination works of the master’s course in Herbal and Folk Medicine and their relationship with the health problems of the territory.
Methods: it was carried out a descriptive cross-sectional retrospective study in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences during 2014; the study population comprised the final works of the different versions of the master’s course in Herbal and Folk Medicine from 1997 to 2007, in the full time studies modality and part time studies modality. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; empiric ones: the documental analysis and mathematical-statistical procedures for the absolute and relative values.
Results: the works based on clinical studies prevailed in relation to those of pedagogic and pre-clinic studies. Acupuncture was the most broached modality, although multiple therapeutic and researching options were represented. The main treated affections were high blood pressure, musculoskeletal disorders, neurosis and alcoholism. In them actions were approached for the modification of risk factors in the population, such as nicotinism and incorrect alimentary habits. The theses were part of endorsed research projects and inscribed in health institutions.
Conclusions: the research projects were valued as satisfactory by their incidence in the modification of identified problems in the province. The prevalence of the clinical studies responds to naturist treatment options of health problems.
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