2015, Number 4
Instrument for evaluation of the procedure for vascular access device placement
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: the vascular access devices are frequent, costly and potentially deadly if not used correctly, so nursing requires validated instruments to evaluate the placement procedure; validation is the process of designing and culturally adapting an instrument to the context where it is going to be used in order to collect real information about the targeted actions.Objective: To validate an instrument for evaluation of the procedure of vascular access device placement.
Methods: Descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study with multi-method approach. The validation was made though expert criteria in four phases a) preparation of the instrument under the NOM-022-SSA3-2012 recommendations and those of the Disease Control Centers with 22 items from a systematic approach, structure, process and results evaluated with Liker-type scale, b) the instrument was sent to 9 experts for evaluation, c) the instrument was sent with the corresponding remarks and d) determination of the statistical confidence through the SPSS 20 software to obtain the Cronbach´s alpha statistic reliability.
Results: The approval percentage was 84% with Cronbach´s alpha statistic reliability of 0.934, which indicates that the items measure the same construct and are highly correlated. Although these values did not have direct impact on the internal validity of the instrument, they are determining criteria for the procedure of the vascular access device placement.
Conclusions: With high Cronbach´s alpha statistic reliability, the instrument was validated and may be used by the health professionals to evaluate the procedure of vascular access device placement in specialized public and private health institutions, which will allow detecting the critical points in practice within the procedure and will contribute to the detection of short- and long-term complications.
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