2015, Number 3
Psychological and behavioral symptoms among patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Introduction: the process of people's biological aging is irreversible and it begins from the birth. Cuba is a country with and important population's aging and an expectation of 77.97 year-old life, facing to the elderly medical problems such as the dementia, being the Alzheimer disease the most common. This disease evolves by stages and as long as it goes from a stage to another the psychological and behavioral symptoms are increased; increasing the demand of special cares, important function carried out by the main carer.Objective: to identify the psychological and behavioral symptoms of the patients with minor and moderate Alzheimer disease from the main carer's perspective.
Method: adescriptive study of a sample of 35 main carers of patient with minor and moderate Alzheimer disease from the policlinic "Carlos Manuel Portuondo" of Marianao municipality. Statistical charts of absolute frequency and percentage were made for the processing and statistical analysis of the information.
Results: the repetitions, the dream disorder and the eating disorder were the most frequent psychological and behavioral symptoms of patient with minor and moderate Alzheimer disease.
Conclusions: to avoid or to minimize the impact of the psychological and behavioral symptoms in the main carer it is necessary that it is supported by the family, the neighbors and/or the team of health.
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