2015, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2015; 7 (2)
Effectiveness of the electroacupuntura vs acupuncture in the treatment of the periartritis escapulohumeral
Díaz CA, Guerra GY, Conteras TJM, López DR, Barroso ED
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 182-191
PDF size: 101.49 Kb.
Introduction: the periartritis escapulohumeral constitutes one of the most frequent pathologies, characterized by pain located at this level that increases with the abduction and the internal rotation of the humerus.
Objective: to determine the effectiveness of the acupuncture and electroacupuntura in the treatment of the periartritis escapulohumeral.
Methods: the was carried out a longitudinal prospective experimental explicative
study in the service of rehabilitation of the Policlinico "Tula Aguilera" in Camagüey,
the period of March of the 2012 to September of the 2013. They integrated the
sample 100 patients that they completed the approaches diagnosis, of inclusion and
exclusion, they conformed to two treatment groups: Group A to the one that was
applied electroacupuntura, and the group B that received acupuncture treatment.
The studied variables were: clinical symptoms, grade to articulate for movements
of internal rotation and abduction, the evaluation of the treatment was carried out
to the beginning, 15 and 30 days of evolution.
Results: the clinical symptoms of the periartritis escapulohumeral decrease notably
to the 15 days with the electroacupuntura, to the alone thirty days he/she stays the
pain 8 %, in the group B stays 26 % with pain and 34 % with functional impotence.
A bigger recovery of the grade dela rco exists to articulate so much for the
movements of internal rotation as for those of abduction in the patient’s treaties
with eletroacupuntura.
Conclusions: in the treatment of the periartritis escapulohumeral the
electroacupuntura turned out to be more effective than the acupuncture.
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