2015, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2015; 7 (2)
Utility of THERA Trainer balo 524 for the stretching musculotendinous of knee’s flexors in children with cerebral paralysis
Pazo MPL, Cisneros PV, Almanza DY, Pérez FY, Sánchez CY
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 124-137
PDF size: 166.71 Kb.
THERA Trainer bleats 524 it is a dynamic modern bipedestador, adjustable to the
patient that allows reeducating the balance, the propiocepción, to strengthen and to
achieve the control of the trunk, to work the muscular force in superior members,
to prevent contractures in the inferior and to train in the activities of the daily life.
The objective is to credit, to document and to standardize the procedures in the use
of this technology for this illness in children that enter in the service of pediatrics of
the Center of National Rehabilitation, Hospital "Julio Díaz González". A therapeutic
performance protocol is believed for the use of the system THERA Trainer I bleat
524, for the stretching musculotendinous of flexors of knees in children with
cerebral paralysis. The cerebral paralysis is defined as a dysfunction of the
movement and the posture due to a defect or lesion of the immature brain.
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