2016, Number 1
Family health in adolescents with a history of suicide attempts. Intervention Proposal. Teaching Polyclinic II. Manzanillo, Granma
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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It was performed a study taking as universe 18 teenagers with suicide attempt in the Teaching Polyclinic II of Manzanillo, in order to assess the family health of adolescents with suicidal risk and create a proposal of intervention. The methodological design was based on a descriptive study taking into account some variables such as: main family problems, size, ontogeny, familiar functionality, familiar risk features (family criticism) and development of the health family matrix, using the percentage descriptive statistics for data processing. Among the results we obtained predominance of the internal family problems, economic and social life, families of medium and small size with extensive structure and moderately functional and dysfunctional family functioning, all dimensions that assess family risk characteristics showed various problems where the family health matrix placed a majority group of families in the coincidence of family dysfunction and severe and moderate criticism, which results in difficulties to face the problems experienced as surcharges for its members. From the diagnosis it was possible to start with a proposal of intervention for families with various problems in their functioning, especially with the presence of a member with suicidal risk, leaving the proposal at the service of the scientific community.REFERENCES
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