2016, Number 1
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Mul Med 2016; 20 (1)
Biopsychosocial risks in pregnant adolescents. Evaluation proposal in the primary level
González SR, Martínez CA, Martínez GA, Martínez GO, Mariño ME
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 261.87 Kb.
The research was performed in the primary care level, being useful for general doctors and other professionals of the filed, supported by the need of working in this population group because teenagers pregnancy is a health problem. The objective was to create an evaluation proposal of biopsychosocial factors in pregnant teenagers; it was classified like a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study and the universe was formed by 25 pregnant teenagers (100%) of the Teaching Polyclinic II in the period of july 2014 to february 2015 in Manzanillo. The proposal consisted of the use of a questionnaire to evaluate the type of obstetric risk and the frequent emotional conditions. It was created by researchers and the tests were created to evaluate the anxiety feature-condition and depression feature-condition, useful for the psychological diagnosis of both conditions that allows to give an evaluation of the pregnants. As the final results most of the teenagers were classified as high obstetric and perinatal risk with biopsychosocial multiple risk. It was evidenced the easy use of the techniques proposed, showing that pregnant teenagers actually require a complete care, considering health as a whole, taking into account the biological and psychosocial factors, confirming that precocious pregnancy and its effects have negative influences on the pregnant´s health. This work facilitates the fulfillment of the Maternal Infantile Program in a population group that frequently provides negative indicators that risk the health of mother-baby couple.
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