2016, Number 1
Risk of suicide attempts in adolescents with newly diagnosed HIV-AIDS at Hope´s Hospital. Luanda, Angola
Language: Spanish
References: 10
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The study was performed at Hope´s Hospital in Luanda with the aim of describing the factors that predispose to the risk of suicide attempt, the population covers all teenagers with positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS during the period of June-December 2013 with a total of 37 and we finally worked with 32 because some of them did not fulfill the inclusion criteria. It was used a questionnaire and a scale to assess the level of risk attitude for suicide attempt, with the ethical procedures. The research offered the main results as: 18 male adolescents (56.25%) followed by 14 females (43.75%), emphasizing the group of late teens (46.87%) and middle adolescence (40.62%), the heterosexual orientation prevailed with 26 (81.25%). The emotional condition experienced by adolescents at the time of the diagnosis in the first days was negative, noticing the fear (71.87%), sadness (56.25%) and in the same percents the anxiety and isolation (50%). It was observed that most of them were identified with medium and high risk for suicide attempt 14 (43.75%) and 11 (34.37%). We recommended the suicide risk scale for diagnostic purposes trying to standardize its results for the adolescent population.REFERENCES
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