2016, Number 1
Educational program to enhance the protective factors in adolescents with suicidal behavior
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Nowadays the study of psychosocial risk factors associated with suicide attempts in adolescence has been widely discussed, as well as the way to prevent it. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with the objective of designing an educational program to enhance the protective factors in adolescents with suicidal attempt belonging to the Polyclinic # 2 "Angel Ortiz Vázquez" of Manzanillo, in the period of September 2013 to April 2014. There were taken into consideration the variables: feelings of hopelessness and guilt, impulsiveness, family history of suicide attempted, threat or suicidal project, major depression, someone without social and family support, and hostility. It was used as a technique for data collection the Questionnaire of Risk Indicators. The psychological risk factors that prevailed in teenagers were: hopelessness and guilt, major depression, impulsiveness and hostility. The identified social risk factors were the family history of suicide attempt and the absence of family and social support. It was designed an educational program on the basis of health salutogenic theoretical models and psychosocial risk factors identified in adolescents with suicidal attempt.REFERENCES
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