2016, Number 1
Perception of the quality of life in patients with lung cancer treated with the EGF vaccine
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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A descriptive study was performed in the medical office by the Program of Integral Care directed to patients with cancer, in order to evaluate the change of opinion about the perception of quality of life in patients diagnosed with lung cancer of non-small cells which were treated with EGF vaccine, taking into account that lung cancer is one of the most widespread diseases on the planet, being the cause of more virulent and lethal mortality of XX and XXI centuries. A current challenge is to improve the quality of life of these patients from a new therapeutic approach. The sample consisted of 15 patients, all of them deceased, whose medical records were filed in the office and contained the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life in relation to the emotional, cognitive, social and global role functioning. In the study there was prevalence in the age group of 60 and over, belonging to the male sex, reflecting functional limitations, so there was no change of opinion in regards to the perception of life quality of life although they were treated with the vaccine.REFERENCES
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