2016, Number 1
Need to create prevention and promotion programs in middle aged that face aging
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Prevention and promotion of health actually constitutes an importat place in the world; it is necessary to evaluate and renew the programs in a way that health becomes more preventive and educative, with the main goal to improve the life cuality of middle age adults because in this period occur the vital events in men and women, because they begin to consider that the aging process is closer, mainly since the psychological point of view, although some people live this period as the crisis of the middle age, some others do not. For this purpose it was performed a search on the database of Infomed, besides it was used the scientific information searcher Scirus, using the following terms: aging, prevention, health promotion, middle aged. The examined articles include revisions, research articles and chapters of books. This makes us think that every day more and more persons get closer or exceed the chronological barrier that men have designed as the aging period, which has turned the population aging into a challenge for modern societies, for which we should find alternatives to reach a successful aging. To develop Health Promotion and Preventing Programs since early ages with the purpose to improve a better quality of life in the aging process constitutes a main premise for a successful aging.REFERENCES
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