2016, Number 1
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Mul Med 2016; 20 (1)
Hypnosis: a therapeutic pattern for bronchial asthma
Rodríguez RM, Rodríguez SPM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Introduction: psychoneuroimmunology has offered keys for the understanding of the impact of the psychosocial stress in psychosomatic illnesses; and bronchial asthma takes an important place among them. In this research, a hypnotherapeutic intervention is modeled, aimed at providing resources for the confrontation and perception of stressors.
Objective: to design and establish a type of intra hypnotic therapy that will contribute to the relief of the symptoms and the extension of the intercrisis periods.
Method: from a psychophysiological method, which controls the markers in stages and provides certainty about the state of consciousness of the therapy, there were designed strategies attached to post-hypnotic suggestions that will improve the perception of stressors and style of confrontation in patients.
Results: the paradigm Th1/Th2 has been central in the interpretation of the expression of cytokines in response to the psychological stress, offering a greater integrality to the interpretation of the physiopathology of bronchial asthma, in the light of the immune deregulation where the emotional stress may provoke acute crisis and contribute to the deregulation of the immune balance with a worsening of the disease and quality of life of these patients. The stress hormones act on antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes and induce a Th2 deviation, thereby maintaining or facilitating the atopic reactions.
Conclusions: it is provided here a reducing intrahypnotic therapeutic method of perception and stress management and the theoretical foundation that supports it.
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