2016, Number 1
Family functioning in patients with chronic kidney faiure in dialytic treatment
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: with the increase of the incidence of the terminal chronic kidney failure it is necessary to approach the family as a main source of support for these patients.Objective: to characterize the families of patients who where hospitalized in the Nephrology Service at the Clinical Surgical Hospital Celia Sanchez in the year 2014 with chronic kidney failure in dialytic treatment.
Method: it was performed a descriptive and transversal study. The universe was made by 65 patients but there were evaluated 59 of them with the inclusion criteria who also wanted to participate in the research. For the information it was applied a Questionnaire of Family Functioning, a semi-structured interview and an inventory of health problems of the family group.
Results: within the main results 54.24 % were men and 45.76 were women, the most representative group of age was about 60 years and older with 33.90%. The functional families prevailed with 50.85 % followed by the moderately functional with 42.37 % and only 6.78 % were dysfunctional. The most affected dimension was the permeability. The presence of severe criticism prevailed in 76.27 % of the families.
Conclusions: a severe criticism prevailed, evidencing the presence in the home of a member unbalanced of his disease and in terminal condition, which is linked to the diagnosis of terminal chronic kidney failure. It is useful the prevalence of functional families what permits these patients a greater strength at the time of getting used to this condition.
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