2016, Number 1
Educative strategy of positive self -esteem in the institutionalized elderly
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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It was performed a research of systematization-transformation based on the Leninist theory of the scientific knowledge transformation with institutionalized elderly at Father Acevedo´s Home in Manzanillo municipality, with the objective of designing a formative strategy of positive self- esteem. From a group of interns there were selected 30 elders because they did not present physical or mental handicaps, the male sex and the group of ages between 60- 80 years prevailed. In order to know the presence of positive self- esteem it was created a questionnaire of six closed questions with four items inquiring the patterns of positive self- esteem from the personal experience of life: autonomy, self- acceptance, positive attitude, integrity, self-efficiency, and self- dignity. The statistical processing was performed through absolute numbers and percents. The results were presented in tables. It was designed the formative strategy on the basis of the learning needs and a foundation of the social and Cuban Pedagogy.REFERENCES
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