2016, Number 1
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2016; 6 (1)
La Valoración de Incapacidades y los Síntomas Físicos Médicamente Inexplicables
Flores SG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 49-62
PDF size: 1003.97 Kb.
In daily medical practice, assessment of working
capacity regardless of the field of action of
the evaluating physician, either by common or
occupational disease or accident, is a difficult
challenge that requires incorporating an analysis
of the validity of each case given the personal
and social repercussions. In addition medically
unexplained physical symptoms are common in
the consultations, high cost, associated with
incapability at work, generate frustration to the
patient and the doctor, and can be reported in
relation to occupational contingencies. In order
to identify the procedure of evaluating medicine
to grant certificate of incapacity and useful
parameters in case of medically unexplained
physical symptoms, a descriptive review was
conducted and it was found that the impact of
these symptoms on incapacity varies from patient
to patient and that there are few studies
regarding labor implications. Besides the analysis
of validity is a very complex task that requires
the assessment of matters / objective tests,
including an adequate clinical approach, understanding
of complementary diagnostic tests (including
psychiatric assessment) and job loads,
contrasted with other variables of the functional
capacity to work as age, education, functional
classification according to scales, injured structure
and prognosis of the injury. Hence, it is
concluded that in order to improve the validity
of results become important skills, regarding
medical training, legal knowledge, experience,
information management, capacity for continuous
learning and ethical reasoning.
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