2015, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2015; 16 (1)
Comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de la uveítis anterior no granulomatosa en el Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras en un período de 5 años
Borges PSM, Pérez BE, Díaz RA, Monzón SY, Ballate NE
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Aims: describe clinical and epidemiology characteristics of non-granulomatous acute anterior uveitis patients related with antigen HLA B27.
Method: eighty patients with non-granulomatous acute anterior uveitis were studied, forty of them were HLA B27 positive and the other forty were HLA B 27 negative.
Results: most of patients were between 31 and 45 years old. The 72,5 % of HLA B27 positive group were man. The sudden start of the symptoms predominates in both groups. In 57,7 % of the HLA B27 positive group the episodes were alternant with severe anterior chamber reaction in 62,5 %. Never the less in HLA B27 negative group were more common unilateral episodes with light to moderate anterior chamber reaction. Ankylosing Spondylitis was found in 19 patients with HLA B27 and 38 of the HLA B27 negative group didn’t suffer from any associated spondyloarthropathies disease. Synechia and cataracts were found in both groups. The answer to topical cortico-steroid treatment was good in the majority of patients.
Conclusions: most of patients were young. In HLA B27 positive group was more common the sudden and alternant episodes in man with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Both groups have good answer to topical cortico-steroid treatment and Synechia were frequently.
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