2015, Number 6
Population aging as challenge of the science, the technique and society
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 884-892
PDF size: 85.10 Kb.
Introduction: the increment in the number of old people imposes an inevitable challenge for the politicians and strategies in health for the sake of to satisfy its necessities and to offer them the possibility to live its last years with excellent quality of life.Objective: reflect about repercussion that on the science, the technique and the society has on population aging both to the World and Cuba.
Material and Methods: it was carry out a logical historical documental analysis starting from a bibliographical review where are put in relief the social problems of the science and the technique relating to the world aging and specifically in Cuba.
Development: the technological advances and scientists have allowed that today great part of the life of a person lapses like elder. The world economic crisis that is living and that it will affect all in proportional form at the developmental levels reached, it leaves at side the aged population's health and the attention from the State to the sector health and up to where we review, Cuba is the only country of the world that has a state program that is in charge of each one of the 7 fundamental aspects that are necessary to get an active and satisfactory longevity.
Conclusions: the scientific-technicians advances have not yet reached satisfy the necessities of an aged population. The investment that the governments make in science concept and technology for social one should not be guided to prolong years of life alone also to achieve a quality of satisfactory life in a world population that every day will be more aged.
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