2015, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2015; 14 (6)
Attitudes towards the subject of Statistics in students of the Medical Science Faculty 'General Calixto García'
Peña RA, Suárez MR, Sanjuán GG, Rabell PO, Gómez MM, Morales VIC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 872-883
PDF size: 144.00 Kb.
Introduction: the statistical formation of the professional of Medicine in our country has been conducting to develop a transforming capacity able to give answers at the needs or demands of the population in general and to the sector of the health in particular, being one of its expressions, the development of a scientific thought. The intention of this work is to provide information about the attitudes towards the students' Statistics of the faculty of Medical sciences "Calixto García".
Objectives: to determine the reliability of an instrument that explores the attitudes towards the Statistics subject in Medicine students and to identify the items that have major contribution to the performance of the above mentioned instrument.
Material and Methods: an investigation of descriptive character was realized, the attitudes measured themselves towards the Statistics from the answers to the scale of LIKER, of the instrument SATS (Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics).
Results: there is valued the global attitude of the students, which turned out to be positive mostly, for what he proposes to consider the above mentioned result to be a starting point for significant learning of the Statistics faced to the professional competitions in the different profiles of the career of Medicine.
Conclusions: the highest scores corresponded to the component of the
Knowledge about relating the statistics to situations of the reality, very next to this component there is the Difficulty, the Affective one and the Assessment.
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