2015, Number 6
Students' of Medicine perception about the professor's acting in the educational scenario
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 855-862
PDF size: 88.22 Kb.
Introduction: professors constitute the fundamental axis in the formation of students of Medicine. Of their dedication and formation they depend, largely, the acquisition of knowledge and necessary abilities to exercise the list that correspond them, efficiently as well as to reach the grade of satisfaction in the students inside the educational process.Objective: to describe the perception of students of Medicine about the professor's acting in the educational scenario.
Material and Methods: it was carried out a descriptive observational study of transverse cut between April to June of the 2015 with the students of 1st to 3rd year of the career of Medicine belonging to the Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences in the scholar course 2014-2015.
Results: the students’ opinion about the teacher’s performance, in general, was very well and well. Positive and interesting aspects about teacher’s performance in the educational scenario were identified by most of the students.
Conclusions: the students of Medicine at Pinar del Río University Medical Sciences value in a positive way the acting of the professors in the educational scenario, that influencing in the formative quality.
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