2015, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (1)
Mythology, myth and psychiatric
Correa JM
Language: Spanish
References: 33
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Introduction: Mythology is a relatively cohesive set of myths, stories that are part of a
particular religion or culture. Meanwhile, it is called myths speeches, narratives and cultural
expressions of sacred origin, traditions and legends created to explain the universe, the origin of
the world, natural phenomena and any event for which a given society has failed give a simple
explanation. Psychiatry and psychology, and medicine in general, have used various terms
derived from mythology to name phenomena or events in their development have some
similarities with different histories giving it special beauty, like those related to Gods as Crono,
Uranus, Priapus, Morpheus and mythological characters like Oedipus, Electra, Narciso, Phobos,
Sisyphus, Pygmalion, Diogenes, among others.
Objective: To establish the relationship between Greek mythology and various entities or
phenomena typical of psychiatry and psychology.
Methods: A more current and classic texts that address literature review was conducted.
Conclusions: The Greek mythology, with the singular beauty of its stories, provides specialties
such as psychiatry and psychology different legends, which give their name to many disease
entities with which contact points between art and science are established.
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