2015, Number 1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (1)
Life quality related to the health of patients suffering from lumbosacral disc hernia
Hernández RY, García-Viniegras CRV
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 496.26 Kb.
Introduction: The study about life quality and mainly related with the health (CVRS) has a
relevant importance in the last decades. Quality of life is related to a general health level and
mainly to the living conditions in which a person lives according to the limitations that a chronic
disease imposed to him/ her.
Objective: The present paper describes the found results when the CVRS were studied and that
present the patients with lumbosacral disc hernia that came to the clinical surgery hospital
“Miguel Enriquez” to the Neurosurgery and Orthopedic services during the period September
– December, 2012.
Results: The patients had as an average 49 years old and a moderate stage of the disease in
the majority of the cases and less than a year of evolution. SF- 36 Scale that assesses the
following dimensions: physical roll, pain, general health, vitality, social function was applied.
Conclusions: The dimensions of life quality related to health that showed more affectedness
were the health declared evolution, the general health and the physical function. The occupation
and the level of the disease seem to keep a relation on the levels of life quality of these
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