2016, Number 1
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EduMeCentro 2016; 8 (1)
The case study as a problem-solving method in medical sciences: a necessary experience
Artiles MME, Artiles RCJ, Rodríguez GFE
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 165-173
PDF size: 110.93 Kb.
The case study method is considered favorable to apprehend a complex situation; it is based
on its interpretation which is obtained through the description and the analysis of each part,
it is assumed as a group and within a context. Among its advantages it is mentioned that it
favors the learning through findings, it encourages the student to ask questions, to
formulate their own answers and to deduce principles through practical examples or
experiences; in spite of being used in varied fields of knowledge, in the medical education it
is applied little through the case reports. The authors communicate the educational
experience of its usage and they suggest that its effectiveness is valued in the process of
health professionals formation.
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