2015, Number 3
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Rev Invest Clin 2015; 67 (3)
Prognostic Value of Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography in Predicting Major Cardiac Events in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Hernández-González M, Solorio S, Solís-Jiménez MC, Rodríguez-Mariscal L, Murillo-Ortíz B, Vazquez-Olvera S
Language: English
References: 26
Page: 199-206
PDF size: 217.19 Kb.
Background: The metabolic syndrome increases cardiovascular mortality. We report the mid-term prognostic value of
dobutamine echocardiography for metabolic syndrome.
Patients and methods: A dobutamine echocardiography protocol was
performed in patients aged 18 years of age or older who suffered from chest pain and who were followed-up for two years.
The patients were divided in two groups, with and without metabolic syndrome. Statistical analyses were performed using ROC
curves and survival analysis; the Begg-Greenes method was used to correct for verification bias. We included 128 patients,
66 with metabolic syndrome and 62 without.
Results: Forty-one patients with metabolic syndrome and 36 without had positive
dobutamine echocardiography test results (p = 0.77). Coronary artery disease was found in 27 patients with metabolic
syndrome and in 29 without metabolic syndrome; percutaneous revascularization was required in 24 and 26 patients, respectively
(p = 0.29). Cardiovascular events occurred in 28 patients during follow-up (19 in metabolic syndrome vs. 9 in
non-metabolic syndrome; p = 0.17). The odds ratio of major cardiovascular events in the metabolic syndrome group was
5.8 (95% CI: 1.74-19.60); in the control group it was 8.6 (95% CI: 2.53-29.59).
Conclusion: Dobutamine echocardiography for
metabolic syndrome has high sensitivity but is not a determining factor for mid-term prognosis.
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